Sunday, September 07, 2008

Get ready for VoiceWorx! 6

A New Breed of Voices.

By: The Godpodder

For many years, the word “voice over” have been implied as an easy-paying, non-popular, spur of the moment sideline, that only a select few of “big voices” can take on it. In fact, many thought that doing voice overs is so easy, that practically anyone can jump right into it and earn big time. And that all that is required is for you to have is a booming, modulated, “voice of god” type of resonance to pull it off.

The part of earning big might be true to some extent, but for the most part, everything about doing voices is now considered to be more difficult than any regular paying job. Thanks to technology, doing Voice Overs or Voice Acting has now earned a reputation of being exclusive to those of the extraordinary, is slowly being accepted as a career of choice, and in reality... Voice acting is a painstaking form of art.

Yes, technology now plays a vital role to a Voice actor’s dream of making it a career. People who are looking at this not just as a hobby, consider making the important step before entering the industry - researching and learning. Now you can browse the internet to find acting classes, lessons and voice coaching in your area. And by learning and experiencing the execution needed to land those VO jobs, voice actors and enthusiasts are discovering a new and better approach to their performances and in return give more value to their talent.

That’s what VoiceWorx! - Basic Voice Acting and Dubbing Workshop prepares you for.

“It’s a workshop aimed to introduce to you the voice acting world, and how you can master the techniques and skills of the art. You will have to learn how to speak and work by heart.” Says Brian Ligsay, who is the Head Voice Coach and Voiceworx! Director. He claims that the workshop produces learned voice talents, equipping them with what they need to prepare for, when the occasion arises.

“Being a voice over is not far from taking a four year engineering course in college… you just don’t become one overnight,” Ligsay adds. “And even after you finish your degree, you would still have to know how to apply what you’ve learned in “real” life. The good news is, with the knowledge you have, you’re far ahead than anyone in your age to land a job of your choice and keep it.”

“VoiceWorx! has been training enthusiasts and voice talents since 2005, and is continually producing new voices for clients.” Pocholo Gonzales, CEO and Managing Director of Creativoices Productions - which is widely known as a voice talent agency, and the same company who brought Voiceworx! to life. He also exclaims that, “You work with the best Voice Directors in the industry, and train with them so that you don’t venture into it alone..”

This time, a new breed of Voice Overs are coming into place, VoiceWorx! 6, starts this October 4, 2008 and runs for two months every Saturdays. Out of hundreds of interested parties, only 20 students were accepted. And they will learn how to appreciate voice acting, and study with acclaimed Dubbing Directors, Danny Mandia, Neil Tolentino and Alexx Agcaoili.

This workshop offers new insights into the latest trend and development in the voice acting world. With tips and tricks from professionals who have honed their skills thru many years of experience. It also features a manual edition of the Philippine Handbook on Voice acting, to guide the privileged during the entire course. Plus one-on-one voice coaching, road mapping scripts and translations, actual recording and dubbing sessions, and countless mock auditions.

For the longest time, people who ventured into voiceovers are taking into account the traditional and natural selection process that goes around in the industry. Through customary referrals and PR, you get more of the gimmick in the advertising world. This tiring process of whom you know and who knows you is the lifeblood of your next performance. Traditional voice talents are only hopeful that their regular client will always consider them for the next job. “They just wait and wait, without acting,” Gonzales says. Adding that talents should know how to create the demand.

But some are wiser to help themselves and not rely on this conventional form of getting voice over “gigs”. Those who are serious, aim for the better and more beneficial way of staying in the business, that said, considering it as a business. And by investing time, effort, and money to learn the field of voice acting, and marketing your talent - it will produce you better results and open new doors of success.

“Voice acting is not everyone, but should you decide to pursue it.. it will release the kid in you, and turn your voice into something you have never imagined possible,” Ligsay mentioned. “And maybe, just maybe, you’ll turn out to be a mutant of a voice after all!”

- - - -

Voiceworx! – Basic Voice Acting and Dubbing Workshop, is only offered 4 times a year. For more information on the next schedule, please call 729-7274/970-0971. You can also email: or Visit our websites at, and our official blog at For pictures and forums visit

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Voice Actors Vs. On-Screen Talents

In my many years as a professional voice performer and producer, I often encounter comparisons to a trend in the industry about Screen Actors taking the job of those who have been doing it decades. This popularity of On-cam Personalities performing behind them mike is nothing new, however it has been a rising factor in movie theaters and animated features nowadays.

Animation is the reality of imagination. The justice to any script for which, depends entirely on the voice actor’s performance. That is why voice overs, require a unique set of skills and mastery of the art, in order to deliver what the animator intends to show. No matter how good an animation is, if you have a poor set of voices, you will end up with something that is worthless. However, if you have a simple animation on hand, but with an exceptional lineup of voice actors, you will be surprised with the results. Here are some pointers why hiring a voice actor against an on-cam actor is beneficial for your animation project.




Relatively Cheaper

20-30 times more expensive



Depending on project/product restrictions



May need to attend workshops and 1 on 1 coaching


Honed thru years of experience

Many are working 1st time on dubbing or voice overs



May have difficulty coping up with the microphone


5 times more the number of on-screen actors

Those who only made an on-screen debut are considered actors



Limited to Conversational


Perfect behind the mic

May require additional tuning


Popular with a niche market/captured following

Has on-cam/modeling advantages


Can work with new set of voices, and experiment. Many voice actors can do atleast 5 voices

Maybe thrown off with the idea of changing his/her voice. Limited to 1





Knows exactly what’s going on behind the booth

Some Familiar. Some Not.



None better

Exceptionally few


(faced with reactions)

Effortless. Cutting recording time by 75%

Will depend on what the director says and the material. May need to spend more time on recording


Always present, easily managed. No star complex

Will have to be adjusted for appearances and confirmation

Like they say, kids go to movies to watch and love the story. They do not care if an on-cam actor is doing the part or a voice over. What is important is that they believe and react to the characters, and be motivated by it.. by statistics anyone can easily spot who can deliver the story between the two. You can always get a screen actor to do the job, but you can never beat a voice over’s performance.

You be the judge of which.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What to expect behind the mike..

To some, facing the microphone raises hell. To us voice actors its all in a day's work.

For quite sometime now, I've been thinking of what to feature in this blog and where to start. Having been doing voice overs for many years, I guess I should focus on the career elements as I'm taking it full time.. And being the Marketing Director of CreatiVoices Productions, I'm constantly bombarded with questions from producers and talents alike. Those seeking Voice talents ask me how and where to get them, and those who want to be voice talents, ask me tips and where to find VO jobs.. So I've decided to come up with topics suited for voice actors at least 3 times a week.. and this based on my personal experience.

So, let me begin by a topic aptly entitled: What to expect behind the mike..

Performing behind the microphone baffles many of course.. it's not something that is taught in college, or picked-up during your childhood days. To some degree its very much like taking up medicine or engineering - the more you practice, the better you get at it. It's not as easy as it looks, because I had an experience with my student once who is so afraid of the microphone, she suffered severe LBM and had a fever before recording (extreme maybe but yes, it's true). Although there are some who are "gifted" to perform, not everyone can face the music or in this case voice it. But one thing is for sure, everything in this craft can be learned and mastered.

So that brings us to the 10 things you should consider when going on cue:

1. When behind the microphone, make sure you remember your correct distance from the receiver. Don't sway or move when performing (unless told to do so) because this greatly affects the level of your voice.

Some voice actors use what is called the "proximity effect", by getting closer to the microphone it produces a more warm and personal voice. I used this in one of my commercials for Magic Sing and a character I played for Ursula's Kiss - Akio Mike Ohtori.

The proximity effect should never be abused of course, and the use of which depends entirely on the material. If you're doing a boxing event or a concert for example, you can't perform that close to the mike.

2. Make sure you pack away all noisy materials, or jewelries you may have. Unwanted sounds can damage a good performance. Make sure your clothing does not produce noise. Stick to cotton fabrics as they say, and avoid nylon or wool when performing.

Whenever I'm behind the mic, I remove my watch and my ring.. I take this as a cue for me to take on the session seriously (sometimes I don't, and I just want to have fun). It makes me focus on what matters and be careless about the time (although time is of great importance in recording sessions).

3. Never hold the script unless you are can perform without making any paper noise. Voice actors tend to move a lot, so when you have a script in hand you might generate that annoying crumple and ruin your take. When faced with continuation lines, lie the script side by side on the stand, or let it fall gently to the floor.

Sometimes scripts are stapled for filing, but a properly prepared material should be stapled at the lower left hand corner of the paper. If this is the case, just let the paper fall naturally to the side when continuing in a live recording.

4. Allow the Technician to place the microphone as he pleases. A common mistake for many amateur Voice talents is touching the microphone, or its accessories. Never, ever touch any equipment inside the studio, unless told to do so.

Studio mikes are expensive, and if improperly handled - will break easily. You don't want your salary to go to replacing the microphone if you break it.

5. Adjust your headset accordingly for a snug fit. Studio headsets should cover both of your entire ear lobes. Never leave one hanging to the side or to your neck. The sound coming out from their tiny speakers, can cause unwanted feedback. Feedback happens when a signal is looped from its source, creating that high-pitched annoying sound. Should you need to adjust the headset, tell the technician and veer away from the microphone first.

In real recording sessions, it does not make you look cool with one piece of the headset on. It makes you look stupid and unprofessional. Nobody cares if your hairdo gets messy for 30 minutes. I know some may be thinking, "Hey what about talking DJ's?" I myself am one, and on air I do that for one good reason.. To rely on my natural hearing and minimize the damage of "DJ's EAR" (A topic which I will touch sometime later on)

6. When asked for a level, read the script as you would perform it. This would give the technician a chance to adjust the volume for your performance and give you practice time without the worry of being judged by the client.

If it is a short script the tech may ask you to read a few more times. Indulge.

7. When asked for a SLATE or ID, this informs you to read out the title of the material, the length and your name. Remember the formula, and it doesn't really matter which comes first. This is followed by the standard take numbers: TAKE 1.. This is a guide for the technician when editing the material. (e.g. "Brian Pogi.. Nachos Bonitos... 15 seconder RC.. take 1")

In many of my recordings, the technician often relies on his setup to ID the material. He may or may not ask you to do this, but as a standard practice you should say it before delivering your first line. Even if not asked to do so, it will still make you sound more of a professional when inside a recording studio. However, you don't need to do this every time you commit an error in the script, or if you need to give it another treatment. Just promptly say TAKE 2 for the next cues..

8. Remember to wait for the signal before starting to talk. Technicians and Directors have a wide variety of giving you the "cue". Here are just some of my favorite lines, followed by my quirky explanations:

"...And anytime." (today)
"...Whenever your ready." (what if I'm not)
"...ok" (ok. ok? ok. ok?)
"...and (points to you. Me?)
"...go" (to the bathroom?)
"...shoot" (them all?)
"...go ahead" (where?)
"...action" (..I don't know why)
"...roll" (and rock.)

and my all time favorite:
"..rolling po kami" ("We're rolling," in English)

When you make a mistake, promptly say to the client and the tech, that you want to try it differently. Never say sorry (I will discuss this in another topic). Perform at your peak as you did your first line, even though it is take 72, the energy should still be at take 1. (I also have another interesting topic about this soon).

9. After doing your part, and before going out of the studio, thank the producer or the client/s and the technician. You may politely ask them, if there is anything else they want you to record before taking off your headset. Do not go out with your headset on. If you forget your headset on, you might trip or pull with you the microphone, stand and everything. Oh, I've seen this a lot of times and believe me its always funny every time..

Make sure you place your headset at the holder, on the chair or on the floor. Never hang the headset on the microphone. Check that it is away from any danger of being accidentally broken, or damaged.

10. If you're doing commercials (or any projects for that matter), make sure you sign your contract or settle out your talent fees professionally. Sometimes, the casting director is assigned to this. But any staff from the studio or the client may ask for your signature. (I think I should come up with another topic about how to settle talent fees)

In some cases, contracts may come directly from the client and not from the studio. Make sure you remember you TIN# when signing. Bring out your pen for a speedier transaction. And remember to thank the staff or client afterwards. Some recording studios provide you with a copy of the contract, while other's don't. In any case, it helps to bring out a small ledger or notebook and jot down the details of the project and the date of the recording.

Now all you need to do is follow-up and wait for your checks to come. If you do good, expect to get more calls soon (which is a voice actor's dream). I will bring up a topic next time on how to properly follow-up payments, and how to avoid scrupulous producers (yes, they are out there).

For now goodluck and May the voice be with you.

- DJ Big Brian

Monday, April 21, 2008

Summer Voice Over Seminars

The 2-day
Intensive Voice Over Workout!

Commercial, Corporate and LIVE Voice Overs

From the the successful series of VOICEWORX! - Voice Acting seminars, comes a targeted program catering to one of the most demanding aspects of voice over jobs - Commercial, Corporate and Live Voice Overs..

This is your chance to improve your voice over skills and further their careers in the industry. Recommended for voice actors for commercial and live events, those who want to learn new tips and tricks of the trade, and the latest buzz in the industry. Or if you are just starting out, this intensive voice over workout will give you the edge over other voice actors.

It will leave you feeling exhausted, but overwhelmed with potentials!


Commercial Voice Overs are amongst the highest paid and critically screened jobs for voice actors. Producers, Agencies and Companies are paying by the millions for airtime, and they want just the perfect voice for the job. In the Philippines, it is estimated that less than 50 people are marked for the job, out of 2000 voice talents available in Metro Manila alone.

And only a handful of these 50 people are getting what they deserve... More return calls for projects every week!


Don't forget that this is the first US-based VO training workshop, localized to hone your skills in voice acting – so you can start making impacts with your talent, create new and unbelievable characters, get the attention of your live audience, improve self-confidence, or just carry out and bring life to conversations! But most of all achieve that dream of performing behind the mic with no worries and hesitations.

Only 10 workshop attendees
per class that covers intensive vocal workouts, including recording time, one on one coaching, script familiarization, and alot of sweaty vocal exercises. Those who finish the workshop will take home trade information on the industry's best kept secrets, including the know-how to produce and create demos and how to go for auditions. Two days, from 9:00am to 5:00pm - all for only P5,000.00! (materials and snacks included)

Who will be the next Voice over? It might be you in the last 5 seats available (STILL UNRESERVED). And this happens on May 14-15, and another class on May 28-29, 2008. Just two whole days to define the start of your bright future. But remember, nobody becomes a voice actor overnight - it takes patience, practice and perseverance to succeed. And we can take you there! Register for the last 5 slots today.


Get the seat by paying bank to bank. Please make the reservation fee of P1000 or full payment to the following account:

Acct Name : Pocholo Gonzales/CreatiVoices Productions
Bank : Bank of the Philippine Islands ( BPI)
Branch : Buendia-Dian
Acct. No. : 3716-8607-58

After which kindly fax us a bank statement with your contact details (name,address, mobile, email) at 729-7274 depositing the said amount. Also please indicate your choice of class schedule, TW1 or TW2. You can also email us a copy of the scanned statement at

Dont forget to add the subject title:

If you wish to pay a downpayment of 50% this is also possible.


Call 239-6468 and 970-0971 to learn how to get to our studio or click on the link provided for the online map available

Online Map
If the link doesn't work, copy and paste this to your browser:

Only P5,000.00 for two days of grueling, high-performance, voice over work-out, you wont experience anywhere else! A definite must for all Voice Over enthusiasts.

We promise to deliver or you get your money back!

The 2-day Intensive Voice Over Workout!
Commercial, Corporate and LIVE Voice Overs is brought to you by: CreatiVoices Productions, The Philippine Center for Voice Acting, the Society of Young Voice Overs of the Philippines and VOICEWORX!

Register today and We'll see you there!

Visit: and
Official Blog: and

Monday, March 17, 2008

V-Force! Voice Acting Workshop 4!

Lets be Great in 2008!
Join VoiceWorx 4!
Its the most comprehensive workshop on Voice Acting and Dubbing for Telenovelas and Anime!
Starting this April 12, 2008 you can be part of an 8-week long seminar that will do wonders for the way you speak and perform. If you've always wanted to become a dubber for telenovelas and anime, or improve how people listen to you speak, then this is the way to go!

VoiceWorx! now on its fourth run, brings you the force of voiceacting within reach. Learn the art of voice overs in a fun environment, guaranteed to bring out the creative juices within you. See how do it..

This 2month Voice acting course guarantees to perk up that personality in your voice!

Listen to what people are saying!
"I have never found anything close to what CreatiVoices has offered, thanks to VoiceWorx! I feel more confident in speaking up and performing behind the microphone.." - Jeff Marty Dimaano, 1st batch VoiceWorx!, now also a regular dubber and President of SYVAP
"This has definitely opened up new ideas on what I can do with my voices!.." - Gabrielle Tiongson, barely 18 years old when she took the seminar, now a regular voice talent at ABS-CBN.
"I'm proud of what I have accomplished with my voice, and with the help of CreatiVoices.." - Jo Carol Fernandez, 1st place winner of H3 Dubbing Competition and now lead role dubber: "NANA" in the animated series "BOKURA GA ITA"

"I landed the job of Official Voiceover at Manny Pacquiao's Show, Pinoy Records!.."
- Heinie Hartendorp, former Radio jock, turned professional voice actor.
"Thanks to you guys, I'm one of the cast of the English dubbed Version of Maging Sino Ka Man.." - Pia Serrapio, doing several voice gigs since she last attended VoiceWorx!

"Definitely more than what you bargained for.. much, much more..!" -
Zaphael N. Berenguer, doing live VO gigs, Telenovela translations and actual dubbing sessions.
More testimonials at:
How do you join?!
Just make a P1000 reservation fee (non-refundable) to guarantee your seat for the following V4 CLASS SCHEDULES:

Regular Classes:
Once a week, every Saturdays.
Starting April 12, 2008

r1 Class A: (5 more seats left!)
Sessions 1,2,3 10:00am - 12:00nn
Sessions 4,5,6 9:00am - 12:00nn
Sessions 7 & 8 10:00am - 12:00nn
r2 Class B: (4 more seats left!)
Sessions 1,2,3 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Sessions 4,5,6 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Sessions 7 & 8 2:00pm - 4:00pm

For more details about this workshop, sign-up now by clicking on the link below:
Or copy and paste this link to your browser:

You can also drop by at our office and pay in partial or full. The P1000 reservation fee will be deducted from your Seminar fee of P8000.00.
The good news is you can now pay bank to bank. Please make the reservation fee or downpayment to the following account:
Acct Name : Pocholo Gonzales/CreatiVoices Productions
Bank : Bank of the Philippine Islands ( BPI)
Branch : Buendia-Dian
Acct. No. : 3716-8607-58
After which kindly fax us a bank statement with your contact details (name,address, mobile, email) at 729-7274 depositing the said amount. Also please indicate your choice of class schedule, R1 or R2. You can also email us a copy of the scanned statement at

If you wish to pay in full or may a downpayment of 50% this is also possible.

To register offline, simply drop by at the studio at the 3rd floor Left Wing Lightblue Bldg. 1745 Dian St. Palanan Makati City. For directions on how to get there you can check our online map here.
If the link doesn't work, copy this to your browser:
There is a google map of CreatiVoices studios at the page link above, so you can easily find the exact location of the seminar area.
For directions on how to get to our workshop you may call: (632) 729.7274 or 970.0971 (from 9am - 6pm, Mon-Fridays only)
Visit our website at and
Let's Be Great this 2008!
More information!!!
What is a Voice-Over?

" A voice over is any recording or performance by one or more unseen voices for the purpose of communicating a message" – James Alburger. Any message you hear without seeing the performer is considered to be voice-over. This means voice-over is all around us! Whether you are listening to the radio, watching movies or television, dining at your fast food restaurant or riding the rail transit, voice-overs can be heard!

Is doing Voice-overs hard?

Voice-overs can actually be done by anyone! And it's a very rewarding job indeed. A lot of Voice Talents are being paid to play and many professional voice-overs get their kick out of the industry just by enjoying what they do. Anybody can do a voice-over, but not everybody can do voice acting.

So what is Voice Acting?

Voice acting is an art. And like all other art forms it has tools and techniques which must be mastered in order for you to succeed in the level of success you want to deserve. Its about finding the kid in you. It requires dedication and passion for doing Voice-over jobs, and lots of patience to master the skills. True, not everyone can do voice acting, but anybody can benefit from learning how it works. In fact, many of the students in Creativoices Clinic don't pursue voice-over jobs, but need the voice acting skills to further themselves in their chosen field.

How do I benefit from Voice Acting lessons?

If you want to break into the world of voice-overs, then voice acting is a must for you. By knowing how to express yourself properly, you can create real and believable characters for commercials, narrations, radio drama and most especially animation. With voice acting you can liven up a conversation and get the attention you want, whether its on a business or a personal level. If you or your job requires you to:

1. Communicate with other people on the same or higher business level.
2. Prepare Scripts, Write-ups or Citations for Productions
3. Talk to customers or clients and close business deals fast and efficient.
4. Constantly talk to other people and associates by way of declamation, speech or impromptu performance.
5. Or maybe you love to sing, host or perform for an audience.
6. Express yourself in a creative and entertaining manner.

Who can do Voice-Acting?

Anyone who needs to talk can communicate better when he/she uses voice acting techniques. Which means that even salespersons, promodizers, carpenters, engineers, attorneys, teachers, draftsmen, doctors, nurses, utility personnel, front desk officers, etc.. can learn voice acting, and benefit from expressing or communicating properly and creatively, with their peers.

What about Creativoices Clinic?

Creativoices Clinic is one of the departments of Creativoices Productions – the premier voice over solutions provider in the country. And it is now offering the Creative Voice Acting Workshop, the only one of its kind in the Philippines today. There are many voice acting schools abroad and many Voice talents offering "experience" based teaching, but none offers a detailed and thorough application and training by book and modules like Creativoices Clinic.

What do I expect from the training?

In Creative Voice Acting Workshop, you'll get:

1. Personalized, one on one voice coaching and training throughout the workshop - from real and credible Voice Acting Professionals
2. Information you need to know to become a successful voice actor and communicator.
3. Create real and believable characters from within you and learn how to bring them back when needed.
4. Training materials and assignments to keep you at pace with the workshop and rapidly develop your voice acting skills.
5. Professional Critiques to hear and identify your voice qualities and problems.
6. Knowledge on how to self-market and promote your talent, professionally.

How does it work?

The workshop lasts for about 2-3 intensive hours each session, once a week. There are 3 training modules divided into 8 sessions and categories:

Session 1: The Voice That Works
Session 2: Starting Over – What it takes to be a voice talent
Session 3: Accents, Dictions, Variety, Articulation and Movement. How to Create Voices.
Session 4: Translation and Effective Dubbing delivery
Session 5: Creating interesting and unique character voices for Dubbing
Session 6: Actors acting. Working with Dubbing dialogues and multi-voice copies.
Session 7: Fine tuning your performance, Dubbing Sessions and VO Best Kept Secrets
Session 8: One-on-One Mock Auditions with Critique board and Q & A forum

How do I Join?
Sign-up now by clicking on the link below:
Or copy and paste this link to your browser:

You can also drop by at our office and pay in partial or full. The P1000 reservation fee will be deducted from your Seminar fee of P8000.00.
Visit us:
If the link doesn't work, copy this to your browser:
There is a google map of CreatiVoices studios at the page link above, so you can easily find the exact location of the seminar area.
For directions on how to get to our workshop you may call: (632) 729.7274 or 970.0971 (from 9am - 6pm, Mon-Fridays only)
Visit our website at and

How much does it cost?

For the whole program the total cost is Php 8,000 only. 50% down payment and the remaining balance on the 4th session. It includes fees for the instructor, venue and training materials. A one time, non-refundable reservation fee of Php 1000.00 will guarantee your seat. Students may also take advantage of the referral program.

What is the referral program?

For a limited time only, students can now avail of this special program. Please review the terms and conditions carefully.

1. Applicants must be 18 years old and above and residing in the Philippines.
2. Application forms for the referral program must be fully completed.
3. Only Workshop students may apply for the referral program.
4. Applicants will get Php 1,000 per successful referral.
5. Incentives may be in form of cash or deferred through the candidate's course. Which means if you get 8 successful referrals, you study the whole program for FREE.
6. Incentives can only be claimed if the referrals has paid in full.
7. There are no limits to referrals, and students may still avail of the program even after the course.
8. Creativoices Productions reserves the right to terminate or revoke any referral program at any given time.

Schedule of Training and Workshop

Start of Classes will be on April 12, 2008 (Saturday) and every Saturday thereof:

1st class – 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
2nd class – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
If you have already registered/reserved your seat, then congratulations! This is your first step to that much awaited success in voice acting! We'll see you in our studio soon!

May the voice be with you!

Brian Ligsay
VoiceWorx! Director